Artist Bio

Rozina Essani

Rozina was born in Pakistan and raised in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. She earned a pure math degree from Georgia State University and a math education graduate degree from The University of Georgia. Currently Rozina is a math educator alongside a self-taught artist painting at nights and weekends.

As a mathematician and an artist, Rozina has always found mathematics synonymous to art in the way proportions, depth, and balance play a role in art making. She is always captivated by the light falling over a scene and its role in helping us connect with nature's unpredictable state.  Her art journey began with sketch art, which then evolved into experimenting with mediums such as acrylic, oil and watercolor.

Rozina’s work reflects her personal style – colorful, serene, and impressionistic. Inspired by nature and the deconstruction of landscapes and objects into color, lines, form and space, she strives to depict the beauty and color of our natural world infused with the multidimensional reality of light.

Rozina’s artwork has been a winner in the 2018 Jubilee Arts - International Arts Festival in Lisbon, Portugal, awarded to only eight out of over 5,000 entries from the United States. Her artwork has also been in multiple exhibitions at the JKR Gallery in Utah, Suwanee Art Center in Georgia, Findings Gallery in Virginia, and online at the Christenberry Collection. Rozina works primarily in watercolor and oil from her home studio based in Lawrenceville, Georgia.